About us |
We are what we do
We design, install and operate technological systems, provide facility management services, implement energy efficiency improvements and provide energy management solutions for public and private organisations and companies.
Founded in 1919, Gemmo is one of the market leaders in terms of the number and strategic value of the works completed.
The company operates mainly in the large infrastructure sector, in complex and highly critical contexts. Gemmo’s expertise and engineering capabilities can increase the value of airports, hospitals, shopping centres, roads and tunnels, railway stations, government buildings, industrial plant and cultural heritage as functional and service assets.
Gemmo’s energy
The Gemmo model
From consulting and design to implementation and management.
Whether it is for new projects or the renovation of existing ones, the intervention model is always aimed at helping the customer to achieve significant savings in terms of operating costs (OPEX, OPerational EXpenditure) and an increase in asset value.
Gemmo, with its extensive expertise in energy efficiency, helps customers invest effectively in high-efficiency technology installations, supporting them in its proper and diligent operation and maintenance to achieve a reduction in energy consumption and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
Gemmo provides support and operates at all stages of the PDBOR process (Program, Design, Build, Operate/Renovate).
Irene Gemmo, President
Giuseppe Tomarchio, CEO
Roberto Micoli, CFO
Alberto Dal Maso, Deputy CFO
Alessio Zanetti, Business Development & Innovation
Daniel Candusso, Procurement
Ciro Ascione, Smart Buildings & Infrastructures
Lucio Donatello, Facility Management
Alberto Manganaro, Project Financing & Concession
Marco Gamberini, Infrastructure Project Leader
Bruno Zanrosso, Proposal Engineering
Susanna Gemmo, Human Resources & General Services
Giorgio Vinciguerra, Compliance & Organization
Nicola Sperotto, Legal Department