Frejus Tunnel


The Frejus road tunnel is located between Modane (Savoie-France) and Bardonecchia (Piedmont-Italy), along the Lyon-Turin axis.
The work currently consists of a two-way bore, with one lane in each direction.

  • 2 external ventilation stations A and D (1 for each tunnel entrance)
  • 2 underground ventilation stations B and C, each associated with an air shaft (1/3 and 2/3 of the tunnel, respectively)
  • 20 electric stations, one in front of the other about every 1,450 mt
  • 1 technical station for each service area (ST01-23 French side and ST01-24 Italian side)
  • 1 technical station for each compartment (ST01-27 French side; ST01-28 Italian side)
  • 101 SOS niches facing each other about every 265 mt.

Activities associated with the implementation of the second hole:

  • Station D was entirely demolished and rebuilt during civil works;
  • During civil works, 2 new underground ventilation stations E and F were also built;
  • New technical stations common to the two holes;
  • 9 by-pass between the two holes;
  • 34 new branches between the two soundings, associated with technical spaces made during civil works.

Intervention Area: FREJUS TUNNEL
Client: SFTR / Société Française du Tunnel Routier du Fréjus Plateforme du Tunnel
Joint Venture: Mobility + Clemessy + Euroimpianti + SIELTE
Contract: Second bore of the Frejus tunnels:

  • cooling systems (CLI),
  • fire-fighting network (INC),
  • power system (ENE),
  • lighting (ECL) and signaling (SIG), Upgrade of systems in the existing tunnel.

Value: €12,319,800.00 + supply of MT electricpanels €1,900,000.0
Duration: 3 years + 2 years optional
Period: 2018 – 2022
Length: 12.870 mt
Slope: + 0.54 % in the France-Italy direction
French side altitude: 1,228 mt
Altitude on Italian side: 1,297 mt
Tunnel width: 10.97 mt

References in tunnels and roads