Application of PELL to hospital facilities

Within Facility & Energy Management, hospital buildings constitute one of the most complex infrastructure types, characterized by different needs based on different uses.

➡️ Hospitality
➡️ Essential therapy services
➡️ Industrial
➡️ Computer services
➡️ Management and logistics of distributed buildings

These are extremely energy-consuming buildings: 1 hospital = 2000 houses ⚡️

Detailed knowledge of the heritage and the building-plant system is needed to have a uniform, efficient and effective view of national strategic assets.

Alessio Zanetti, Business Development and Innovation Director of Gemmo S.p.A., as well as ASSISTAL Vice President, will speak about this tomorrow, Oct. 25, at the conference “Digitization and Management Efficiency of Strategic Public Infrastructure.” Our Lia Muscarella, Tender Engineering Technician in the Energy Efficiency Sector, will explain the preliminary test conducted atMonselice Mother Teresa of Calcutta Hospital.

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