

Pwc Tower: facility management

When the point of view is everything: while the city was covered by clouds, there was a sunny day in the higher offices. Together with the Hadid Tower (headquarters of Generali Italy) and the Isozaki [...]

Gemmo supports the 17th Catholic Information Forum

Gemmo S.p.A. is pleased to support the 17th Catholic Information Forum "The Role of Communities for Inclusive and Generative Ecological Conversion," organized by GREENACCORD ONLUS. The event is being held in Bari, Nov. 25-27, in [...]

Our experience at UniPD’s Open University IES

Thank you to all the young people who stopped by at Open University IES, the University of Padua 's sectoral #CareerDay dedicated to students and graduates of Engineering, Economics and Science courses. It was a [...]

Expansion of San Bortolo Hospital in Vicenza.

Gemmo S.p.A. is pleased to announce that it has been awarded, as the lead contractor in RTI with ARCO Lavori Soc. Coop. Cons., the contract for the executive design and execution of renovation works in order to upgrade the premises of the former Seminary of Vicenza (Intervention C) of Ulss 8 Berica.